Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Double Board

Last night I played my first matches on a Double Board for a few months. Unfortunately Lincoln is very backwards when it comes to darts, and the main pub league used a board without Trebles. A major disadvantage to me is that my darts stick up blocking anything straight above it. If my 1st dart is just below the double top, it blocks it so I have to go straight to 19's. Although I'm signed of for the Post Office Club, I very rarely play. Only when they are short, or in the knockouts do I bother.

Last night was the Summer League Singles Knockout. I won this 4 years ago, beating Andy Cook 3-0 in the final. On my board at the Green Barrel were Dave Butt, Billy Johnson and myself were the 3 favourites. So guess who I drew in the Preliminary Round!! While I usually manage to beat Dave Butt on a treble board, the last couple of times on a double board he's had the better of me. Both times when I've been sat on 32, and he's took a big finish out! I had a good start, and took out 84 to go 1 up while he was back in the 200's. The 2nd leg started poorly, and I let him get 150 ahead of me, until a maximum (120) put me back in it. He went for 80, but hit 5 1st dart to give me a chance. I went up, took 77 out and won the match 2-0. In the board Semi Final I played Billy Johnson in one of the poorest matches in history. He played nothing like he can, and nor did I. Despite plenty of missed doubles from both, I won 2-0 again. I played Malc Jones in the Board Final, who had played well to get that far. The 1st leg was tight, and I managed to scrape it. The 2nd leg Malc couldn't hit a thing, and despite missing more doubles, I won it easily to win the Board. That puts me through to the Quarter-Finals with the winner of 7 other boards. Dean Baker is the huge favourite for this, and he is also through. The Quarters & Semi's are played on a Tuesday night in November, and the Final is on stage on Presentation Night that Friday.

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